mai 18, 2023
Luanda 15 de Maio de 2023: No âmbito da transparência e dever de informação, a
TAAG Linhas Aéreas de Angola, representada pelo seu Conselho de Administração,
partilhou as linhas gerais dos resultados da Companhia referente ao exercício de 2022,
numa conferência de imprensa realizada hoje, em Luanda.
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mai 12, 2023
Luanda, 12 May 2023: TAAG Angola Airlines will provide greater mobility options to its
passengers and customers, following the market demand upon the recent codeshare
agreement between TAAG Angola flagship company and GOL, the leading airline in
Brazil. The company is adding a new frequency to the Luanda <-> Sao Paolo
connection, making 6 weekly flights overall.
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mai 08, 2023
Luanda May 8, 2023: Following the company's commitment towards excellence and
greater customer experience, TAAG Angola Airlines has just launched its new website a
value-added proposition to customers, passengers, and general audience. The
platform is available in four languages (Portuguese, English, French, and Spanish), with
seamless navigation and easy access to key functionalities, such as bookings, ticket
acquisition, online check-in, seat quotation, and multipoint routes, among other
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mai 05, 2023
Luanda May 5, 2023: TAAG Angola Airlines will provide 14 services to connect Luanda
and Oporto, effective from December 2023 to January 2024. The goal is to offer
greater mobility options to passengers while answering the seasonal high demand
during Christmas and New Year. Thus, as of today, sales are open, and customers can
acquire their tickets in advance via the company´s regular channels benefiting from
more competitive ticket fares.
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décembre 12, 2022
TAAG Angola Airlines ajoute Pointe-Noire à son portefeuille de destinations régionales, à compter du lundi 12 décembre. La compagnie aérienne assurera deux vols hebdomadaires entre Luanda et Pointe-Noire, deuxième ville et centre d'affaires de la République centre d'affaires de la République du Congo.
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